Local Competitions

Only accepting participation of local persons, and the territories of the competition is limited to a single region

Core criteria

  1. Accreditation/Accredited institution/Accredited by academic institution/Accredited by the government
  2. Reputation
  3. Information of the competition
  4. Fairness and transparency
  5. Quality of the judge panel
  6. Background/standard/reputation of the organizer
  7. Levels of difficulty

Additional criteria

  1. Prospects of the winner
  2. Number of participants
  3. Administrative arrangement
  4. Workflow and arrangements
  5. Convenience for competitors
  6. Continuity
  7. Sponsorship/Co-organizer/Co-sponsor/Contractor
  8. Safety
D****Top competitions; well-known among the public or people of the field; applied by the organizer, recognized by professional practitioners or nominated by the Association.
D***Highly recognized; the level of competition and arrangements having high specification standards. The results of the competition can be used as professional reference and indicator for the field.
D**Competitions having accreditation; having certain requirements on the standard and arrangements of the competition. The results can be used as reference.
D*Different aspects of the competition have passed the assessments and supervision; and have reached certain requirements.
DReceived nomination information from competitors or the public but the rating has not been proceeded.
D0* Unclassified competitions after assessment and did not reach the basic requirements.

Competition List

- No Competition Record(s) -
